Sara Lorenzini

Sara Lorenzini

Visitor, Spring 2024; 2016-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, WIGH
Associate Professor, University of Trento, Italy
Sara Lorenzini

I am an Associate Professor of International History at the School of International Studies of the University of Trento (Italy). I hold an MA in International Politics from the University of Florence (1996), an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics (2000), and a PhD in History of International Relations from the University of Florence (2002). My research interests include the history and foreign policy of post WW2 Germany, North-South relations, East-South relations, Italian foreign policy after 1945. During my stay at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, I plan to work on a book manuscript that deals with the afterthoughts on development during détente, with an original emphasis on the role of European countries, East and West. The title of my project is Rethinking development in the 1970s: between global challenge, environmental risk and Cold War dynamics. My latest book, Una strana guerra fredda (A strange kind of Cold War), is forthcoming for Il Mulino, Bologna. Recent publications include: S. Lorenzini (2016), “Ecologia a parole? L’Italia, l’ambientalismo globale e il rapporto ambiente-sviluppo intorno alla conferenza di Stoccolma”, in Contemporanea XIX, n.3, 2016, 395-418; S. Lorenzini (2016), “Ace in the hole or hole in the pocket? The Italian Mezzogiorno and the story of a troubled transition from development model to development donor.”, Contemporary European History  (forthcoming); S. Lorenzini (2014), “Comecon and the South in the years of détente: a study on East–South economic relations”, European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, 21:2, 183-199, DOI: 10.1080/13507486.2014.888708. 


